Facilities and Programs

Facilities and Programs

The Aqueduct Rowing Club occupies two bays of a three-bay boathouse located in Aqueduct Park in Niskayuna, New York.  Aqueduct maintains a number of sculling and sweep boats which are available for use by its members. These include eights, fours, one quadruple scull, doubles, and singles. Storage space for a limited number of privately owned shells is also available.



Boathouse and Shells (Photos by Angela Sheehan)

The rowing season for generally runs from May until October with coached practice schedules determined at the beginning of the season. Those committing to row in team boats are responsible for being available at the specified time or identifying a suitable substitute. In addition, each crew arranges for a coxswain for their particular boat. Members wishing to scull may do so at any convenient time once the water is warm enough to minimize the danger of hypothermia in the event of a capsize. Those rowing singles must demonstrate a reasonable degree of proficiency and pass a capsize and re-entry test before being permitted to row alone.


On-the-water coaching is coordinated by the Club for both competitive and non-competitive crews. Coached practice schedules are determined at the beginning of the season.


Eight on the water with coach in the launch (Photo by Angela Sheehan)


A spring kickoff meeting and boathouse cleanup is held in April and a fall end-of-season dinner is held in November and April. An Open House is held in the summer to introduce the public to the boathouse and encourage new members. In addition, the club holds informal get-togethers and fun races at various times during the season. Members are expected to help at dock-in and dock-out, when the rowing docks are launched and retrieved from the Mohawk River at the start and end of the rowing season as well with one or two clean-up days during the season. Volunteers are also needed for open houses.