Learn to Row Program

Welcome new rowers!

Every year, Aqueduct Rowing Club offers a summer program for those wishing to learn to row.  Learners can row in sweep boats (those with one oar for each rower) and can also learn to scull (using two oars).  The Learn to Row Program is two evenings a week working with a dedicated coach. Novice rowers should be in good physical condition and capable of strenuous activity although your conditioning will improve throughout the session. Rowers must also be able to swim and/or float unassisted. Upon completion of one session, novice rowers are invited to join the club for a reduced fee and finish the season.  Novices are also eligible to compete in club hat races and in regattas. See the pictures below for a look.

2025 PROGRAM — Stay tuned for details on this year’s program!!!

Total duration 4 weeks (8 sessions). Rain dates will be decided if necessary.

Practices are held at the Aqueduct Boathouse (next to the Rexford Bridge)
Corner of Balltown Road and Aqueduct Road
Niskayuna, NY

Rowers who complete our Learn-to-Row program are eligible to continue on as regular members for the rest of the year at no additional cost.

Email aqueductrowingclub@gmail.com for more information.


Common Rowing Terms

Here’s how to sound like you row, even if you don’t yet.

The coxswain calls “Hands on!” which means take hold of the boat and be ready to pick it up.  We carry the boat from the boathouse to the water and back each row.

Getting ready to carry to boat to the water

Hands on!

Everyone in the boat helps carry it down to the dock

Everyone in the boat helps carry it down to the dock

Rolling the boat down into the water

Rolling the boat down into the water

Cox or coxswain (pronounced cox-n).  The person in the stern facing forward and “driving” the boat.  Rowers listen to and obey coxswain commands to stay coordinated and apply power as requested.

The coxswain "drives" the boat

The coxswain

Stroke.  Each full movement of an oar is a stroke but the stroke is also the rower in the stern who sets the rhythm and cadence for the other rowers. In an 8 seat boat, the cox faces the stroke.

Port and starboard. These are the left and right sides of the boat BUT when you row you face backwards so the port oars are on the right as you sit in the boat.

Coaches in safety launches typically accompany rowers

Coaches in safety launches typically accompany rowers

Push off in 2.  1, 2.  A call from the coxswain to push the boat away from the dock.  Most actions are coordinated by the coxswain with a 1, 2 count.

Seat number.   Boats with more than one rower have seat numbers.  The one in the front of the boat (or the one behind everyone else, remember we face backward) is bow seat, the first one in the back of the boat is stroke seat.  Everyone else gets a number.

And off they go!

And off they go!

Photos courtesy of Gerard Dupin